Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My First Day @ Work (after the surgery)

Ok, so today was my first day at work after my two-month medical leave.  I don't know if I just missed my cube so much or too excited to see my friends because I woke up 45 minutes earlier than my set alarm... Apparently, I had a sort of upset stomach and never returned to bed. Doh!  I was then inclined to think that the upset stomach was due to stress of going back to work.  Haha.
So, anyway, how was my first day?  It has not even ended yet; it's 1:20PM (GMT +8) on my watch now, and I can already say that I got a very bad welcome.  First, two of my friends were on their rest day; Second, our delinquent customer service rep was caught (by me) pressing the wrong Aux; Third, calls were pouring in so bad, and lastly, the supposedly sunny weather became a rainy one.  So much for a welcoming party huh?!
On lunch, my tummy was still not cooperating that I have to stick to a Hotdog Sandwich Meal from a local fast food chain; good thing though I have a pack of my favorite candy, Skittles for "dessert".  Having un brutto momento (a bad time) on the first part of the day, I decided to just chat with my best friend in Plurk for so-so minutes to somehow rest my mind.  Also, instead of doing my dailies, I made myself busy by blog hopping... and later on, blogging. Haha! Oh, however, in between these brutto momentos were things that made me smile about--a surprise call from a friend and a package full of treats! 
Now that I'm "recharged" from the "hustle and bustle" of my real world,  I should go back to work.  Ta ta! 
So, am I working or not? Notice the Blogger interface :-)

After the scorching heat... was this :-/

And a box full of Bacolod treats! :-D

3 Thoughts:

Rouselle said...

I really cringe at the word Bacolod. Written or spoken. Bad vibes.


cat said...

With the shitty day aside, I'm glad you have recovered from your surgery :)...I am now going to google Bacalods. Haha!

Avee said...

Hello Yileen! Oh yeah, thanks! I'm now getting the hang of walking again :) By the way, Bacolod is one of our tourist destinations here in the Philippines :)