Cough and colds didn't matter to me because I sooo enjoyed watching Chris Brown! He is sooo haaawwwwtttt! I swear! Nice arms! Nice abs! Nice body! Sugar and I were really shouting our hearts out (deadma sa ubo) hearing Chris Brown perform our favorite songs--Forever, With You, No Air, and Rock with You (I can't believe he sang this! Oh gosh)!
Here are some pics...
Parang tinangay lang ng bagyo ang dinner namin...
Besties... Halata bang matamlay na ko?
The best we could get of Chris Brown (courtesy of Bes)
Post-Chris Brown smiles... haaayyy...
The best we could get of Rihanna (again, courtesy of Bes)
Happy souls after the concert... Darn I feel so ill that time... Smile pa rin =)
Here are some pics...

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