With Bestie (in our Aldo... hehe... Thanks Haror!)
Verleth and Dee, who sneaked out of Teletech just to attend the party, Thank you baklitas! Miss you na...
Kate, who still has work early the next day and Arlene, who risked filing her VL just to celebrate with me, Thank you both! Love you girls!
To Sugar, who went all the way from Pampanga (and still has shift the next day), Thank you so much for spending your time with us!
Gijsen Marnix, Thank you for being present always... Love you guys!
Achie, I was really surprised you showed up even if you're under the influence of BioFlu, hehehe... Thank you becky! Love you!
Thank you Kuya Allan and Laine, who tried their best to celebrate with us despite of... :-)
Donn, the only one who attended the party among my 3 brothers... Thanks much! Love you!
And to the giver of the most unique gift of the night... Thank you so much for celebrating with us! I really appreciate it! And yung photo frame... E for Effort! Thank you so much, Josh!To everyone present... Mama and Papa, Artie, Bimbo, Tita Malu, Tito Ray, and our very special guest Adrian... Thank you so much for making our night! See more of our photos here.
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